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How To Customise A Magic Act To Compliment A Themed Corporate Event

If you are an event planner, you will know that the hardest part of your job is topping your previous event. Clients always demand that each subsequent event should be bigger and better. It can cause a few stressful nights to say the least. One of the ways that events can be made to feel completely different to previous years is to add a theme to the event. Changing the theme of the event year of year is a great way to keep things fresh and different.

How To Customise A Magic Act To Compliment A Themed Corporate Event

Certain themes lend themselves to particular types of entertainment. For example, if you are planning an Arabian Nights themed event, the first thing that springs to mind is belly dancers. Likewise, if you are doing a Greatest Showman themed event then Circus Acts are the obvious choice. Now we have written blogs in the past about how magic will work at any event. However, we get lots of phone calls from event planners asking how we can adapt our magic to fit with previous themes. At this point we have pretty much worked with every theme you can imagine and some you could never imagine. Each time we have adapted our act to fit the theme the client is requesting. In this blog, we want to go through a few different ways we can adapt our act to fit with the theme you have planned for your next event.

Changing The Tricks We Perform

We are more than happy to custom create routines and effects designed to fit with a specific theme. For example, recently we were booked to perform at a Radio Times themed event. We created several routines with the Radio Times to fit their theme. It’s not a difficult thing to do and yet makes all the difference when looking at the overall event. Another example is when we performed a stage show at a Winter Wonderland themed event. We included a routine in our act that made it look like we had made snow appear from nowhere. It actually started snowing inside on the stage. As you can see it doesn't matter whether you are booking us to perform close up magic or a stage show, we can adapt our performance regardless.

Change The Presentation Of The Tricks Being Performed

Sometimes we don’t need to create new tricks, we just need to change what we say when we perform existing routines. So for example last year we were booked for a Star Trek themed event. We adapted a trick called ‘Coins Across’ for this event. This involves four coins jumping from one hand to another. We performed the routine talking about how we were going to demonstrate the transporter from The Enterprise. The coins were going to represent the crew and the magician's hands were going to represent the transporter. As you can see making one simple presentational adjustment can make the world of difference to theming an existing trick.

Change The Props Being Used

Sometimes simply changing the props we use can make a massive impact on theming the magic act to fit an event. We were booked once for a WW2 themed event. We used aged cards and coins that would have been found during that time period. We also performed magic with ration books and gas masks! It’s not just close up magic props that can be adapted. It also works with stage magic and even an illusion show. We were once booked to perform at a Doctor Who themed wedding. We custom built a TARDIS which we used to make the bride and groom appear at the start of the wedding. The reactions were phenomenal especially with the Dr Who theme music playing in the background.

Change The Way We Dress

At this point we have dressed up in every single outfit you can imagine. If there is a way to adapt our appearance to fit a client’s specifications then we will do so. Just last week we were booked to perform at a Day of the Dead themed corporate event. We dressed in appropriate outfits as requested by the client and even got our faces painted. It really added to both our performance and also added to the event as a whole.

Do Everything

The best option is to do everything. When you are planning a corporate event we can adapt our dress, the props we use, the tricks we perform and how we present them. This way we are fully immersed into the theme of the event. This is the best option to ensure that our act works for your event every time. The best thing you can do is to give us a call and we will give you a no obligation consultation. You tell us the theme and we will give you examples of what we can do. In all likelihood we have performed at a similar themed event but even if we haven’t we can adapt to it easily. We can even send you videos of how the theme would work.

Don’t be put off from having a magician just because you think a magic act won’t work with your theme. We can guarantee that not only can we make magic work for your event but it will massively enhance the event. You will be wondering why you didn’t think about using us earlier. Thanks for reading and good luck with your theme. Please call us on 0333 301 3001 or use the banner below to visit our website. We look forward to speaking with you soon.


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